Raymond Rice

Raymond Rice

Dr. Raymond (Ray) Rice of Presque Isle has served as president of the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) since 2016. He pioneered the initiative to provide free and reduced tuition for Maine students, has overseen the expansion of Early College offerings at secondary schools across the region and has led UMPI in becoming the first public university in New England to offer regionally accredited, online Competency Based Education degrees. Under Rice’s direction, UMPI began offering its first master’s degree program in 2020. Rice has a B.A. in English and Latin from Dickinson College and a M.A. and Ph.D. in English from the University of Connecticut.

He serves on several national governing bodies, including the executive board of the Competency Based Education Network and the NCAA Division III Presidents Council. He also serves on the Maine School of Science and Mathematics Board of Trustees.