Please note: so that the steering committees can know the amount of funds available to distribute to victims, survivors, families, and into the community, donations to the fund have closed as of February 20, 2024. We thank you for your generosity. Any additional gifts sent to the Lewiston-Auburn Response Fund will be allocated to the Androscoggin County Fund.
On October 25, 2023, 18 people were murdered and 13 injured after a gunman opened fire at Just-In-Time Recreation and Schemengee’s Bar and Grill in Lewiston in the deadliest mass shooting in Maine history. The victims ranged in age from 14-76.
While large in size, Maine is a collection of small towns and the entire state grieves for our friends and neighbors affected by this senseless tragedy. With contributions of all sizes from across Maine and beyond, MaineCF established the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund to support the immediate and long-term needs of the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
MaineCF established the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund to address current and emerging needs associated with this horrific event.
Every dollar donated to the fund was allocated to people impacted by this tragedy and to organizations guiding Lewiston-Auburn through the healing process.
Please note: so that the steering committees could know the amount of funds available to distribute to victims, survivors, families, and into the community - and distribute them in a timely fashion - donations to the fund have closed as of February 20. You may still donate to the Androscoggin County Fund, which is a permanent fund dedicated to supporting organizations In Lewiston, Auburn and throughout Androscoggin County, many of whom are closely helping survivors and families. The recovery will still take years, so we also encourage outreach to the many nonprofits and organizations that are continuing to care for the Lewiston-Auburn community. Thank you for your generosity.
MaineCF waived its administrative fees so that 100% of donations went to victims, families and the broader recovery effort.
Within the Fund, there were two ways to direct support:
- Direct donation to victims and families, which were distributed in March 2024
- Direct donation to the broader recovery effort, which were distributed in April 2024
Donations were distributed with guidance from local steering committees within the Lewiston-Auburn community, from MaineCF’s statewide board and the Androscoggin County Committee.
Steering committees oversaw the process of putting these generous donations to work. The committees directed funds from the Victims & Families Fund to support the families of people killed, those injured, and individuals who were present at the time of the shootings in Lewiston who may have experienced trauma. The Broad Recovery Efforts & Organizations Fund supported nonprofit organizations addressing current and emerging needs and helping with the recovery process associated with the shootings.
Steering committees included local leaders from the Lewiston-Auburn and Deaf communities. MaineCF worked with the Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and other area leaders to identify candidates to serve in these roles. MaineCF has a decades-long history of geographically focused funding through its county committees and depended on the Androscoggin County Committee for its expertise in selecting candidates.
If you have questions about these committees, please contact lewiston@mainecf.org.
The all-volunteer steering committee for the Victims & Families Fund was responsible for creating the distribution policy for funds collected through the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund for Victims & Families. This steering committee was comprised of business, community and civic leaders in our community who are volunteering their time, and we are grateful for their leadership.
- Tom Platz (Chair), Platz Associates
- Deborah Anthoine, St. Mary’s Health System
- Kevin Bohlin, Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Marc Frenette, Trafton, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette, LLP
- Meg Greene, Partner, Brann & Isaacson and Board member, John T. Gorman Foundation
- Laura Lee, Maine Community Foundation
- Neil Kiely, Androscoggin Bank
- Steven Littleson, Central Maine Healthcare
- John Ochira, Maine Community Foundation
- Catherine Ryder, Tri-County Mental Health Services
- Joe Samaha, father of victim in Virginia Tech shooting
- Sitara Sheikh, Maine Association for the Deaf
- Cara Cookson, Special Liaison to the Office of the Attorney General
The all-volunteer steering committee for the Broad Recovery Effort & Organizations Fund was responsible for creating the distribution policy for funds collected through the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund for non-profit organizations who serve victims, survivors, families, and the impacted community. This steering committee was comprised of community and civic leaders in our community who are volunteering their time, and we are grateful for their leadership.
Rebecca Swanson Conrad (Chair), RSC Consulting
Joleen Bedard, United Way of Androscoggin County
Kevin Bohlin, Maine Association of the Deaf
Nathan Davis, Gateway Community Services Maine
Virginia Dearani, Thomas College
Julia Harper, Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn
Jake Langlais, Lewiston Public Schools
Muhidin Libah, Somali Bantu Community Association
Leslie Ogilvie, Tri-County Mental Health Services
Julia Sleeper, Tree Street Youth
Learn more about the Broad Recovery Effort & Organizations Fund.
Please note: so that the steering committees can know the amount of funds available to distribute to victims, survivors, families, and into the community, donations to the fund have closed as of February 20, 2024. If you need assistance, please connect with your staff contact.
Please note: so that the steering committees can know the amount of funds available to distribute to victims, survivors, families, and into the community, donations to the fund have closed as of February 20, 2024.
- The Mills Administration launched a webpage to provide a clearinghouse of information of ways to support victims and families in Lewiston, organizations involved in the community and health care response, and anyone who might be struggling with mental health during this stressful time.
- The Maine Philanthropy Center has a library of resources that can help respond to trauma.
- If you are a victim of the shootings or working with the family of victims, the State of Maine Victims' Compensation Program provides financial reimbursement for losses suffered by victims of violent crime and their families.
Maine Community Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. Donations to the foundation are tax-deductible in the United States to the full extent of the law. Our tax identification number is 01-0391479. Please consult with a financial professional for tax implications.
If you have further questions, please contact lewiston@mainecf.org.
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