Scholarship Renewals

The information on this page is for renewal applicants only. If you have not previously received the scholarship you are applying for, please return to the Available Scholarships page and follow the instructions under the appropriate fund. If you are not sure which scholarship you received, please contact Jackie Shannon,

Online Application

The Maine Community Foundation's online renewal application is available this year for many of our scholarships. Please check this link for a list of scholarships with online applications and this link for instructions for using our online system.

Getting Started

Gather your required uploads. You do not need to have all these documents to begin the application process or set up an account, but you will need them before you can submit your application.

All scholarship renewals require:

  • Your most recent transcript or grade report (which must include your name, grades for all semesters of study to December 2024, and GPA). If you have transcripts from multiple places, please scan them into one document to upload.

Some renewal applications require:

  • Two letters of recommendation. You can upload these, or you may provide an email address to invite someone to upload a letter to your account. If you choose to have someone else upload your letter(s), note that your application cannot be submitted until both of your letters have been uploaded. We recommend that you start here, plan ahead and allow plenty of time to complete this step. Both of these letters must be provided by the deadline – otherwise you will not be eligible for consideration for the scholarship. You will need the email addresses of your recommenders if you would like to send them an upload invitation!
  • Your college’s financial aid offer. If you are a returning college student/applicant and have not received the information for next year, you may upload the current year’s letter. If you will be attending college for the first time next year, and have not received your award letter yet, upload a placeholder document stating that you have not yet received your financial aid award information. When you receive your letter, send a copy to Maine Community Foundation, 245 Main St., Ellsworth, ME 04605
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report (SAR) from the 2024-2025 FAFSA. This will include your SAI. Do not send us the FAFSA application. You can download your SAR from the FAFSA website to your desktop, and then upload the first page, containing your SAI, to your application.

Some applications require other supporting documents, which are specified on the application itself.

Lastly, if you have not done so already, please complete MaineCF's Financial Release Form and mail a signed copy to your college or university's financial aid office. Please do not send completed forms to MaineCF. Your school should keep a signed copy on file for reference so they may release information to the MaineCF Scholarships Team regarding financial aid awards.

Adult Learner Scholarship Fund

Recipients of the long-term Adult Learner Scholarship in good academic standing are encouraged to complete a renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year.
To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • The one-page application, linked below
  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript -- an unofficial transcript is fine, as long as it includes your name and GPA and grades from your most recent semester.

Deadlines: June 15 and Nov. 15
The application for the November deadline opens on September 3.
Instructions for applying online
Contact: Maine Community Foundation

Agnes Freyer Gibbs Scholarship Fund

Agnes Freyer Gibbs Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration in the upcoming academic year.
To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • One work sample
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

NOTE: if you have received a Guy P. Gannett Scholarship as well, you will apply for that separately--see separate Gannett renewal listing elsewhere on this page.

Deadline: April 1
Apply Online

Allen C. & Leurene F. Hodgkins Scholarship Fund

Hodgkins Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to submit an Allen C. and Leurene F. Hodgkins Scholarship application (available in PDF or RTF format) for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Please include a transcript or grade report from your fall semester -- a printout from the internet is not acceptable.

Applications and other required information sent separately must be postmarked by June 1 and mailed to:

Allen C. & Leurene F. Hodgkins Scholarship Fund
Board of Selectmen
Lamoine Town Hall
606 Douglas Highway
Lamoine, ME 04605

Incomplete applications or those postmarked after this date will not be processed.

Contact: Lamoine Town Office
Deadline: June 1
To Apply: Download application

Annette M. Brown Scholarship Fund

Annette M. Brown Scholarship recipients in good standing are invited to submit an online application for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Preference will be given to students in their second, third and fourth year of post-secondary school who might not have access to high school scholarship awards available to first year students. To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA, containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: June 1
Apply Online

Billy Brown Sports Award

Recipients of the Billy Brown Sports Award in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for up to four years of college.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and shares your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: April 10
Apply Online

Chet Jordan Leadership Award Fund

Chet Jordan Leadership Award recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that tells us about your college experiences, your goals for next year, and how the Chet Jordan Leadership Award has impacted you
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: April 15
Apply Online

Class of '54 Scholarship Fund

Class of '54 Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. The selection committee expects you to have achieved a 2.0 average or better during your first semester.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that tells us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • An official transcript from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Clifford "Kip" Leach Scholarship Fund

The Clifford "Kip" Leach Scholarship committee invites you to apply online for one-time renewal consideration for your sophomore year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support document:

  • A personal statement summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Cushman Scholarship Fund

Cushman Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that tells us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Donald C. and Ruth A. Webster Scholarship Fund

Donald C. and Ruth A. Webster Scholarship recipients in good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA) are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Donald W. Webber Scholarship Fund

Donald W. Webber Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for their sophomore year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Francis X Langlois Scholarship Fund

Francis X Langlois Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for throughout their undergraduate career. To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Your personal story to summarize your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: June 1
Apply Online

Geiger/Montello Scholarship Fund

Geiger/Montello Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to submit their fall transcript for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Please send a transcript or grade report from your fall semester, and a letter to the committee about your experiences at college by May 1, to:

Peter Geiger/Montello Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 1609
Lewiston, ME 04240

Contact: Maine Community Foundation
Renewal Deadline: May 1
Download Application

Gretchen Behre Music Scholarship Fund

Gretchen Behre Music Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.
To apply for renewal of your scholarship, please submit:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and shares your goals for next year particularly with regard to your music
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Information must be postmarked by April 1 and returned to:

Guidance Office
Mount Desert Island High School
P.O. Box 180
Mount Desert, ME 04660

Incomplete applications or those postmarked after this date will not be processed.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office.

Guy P. Gannett Scholarship Fund

Guy P. Gannett Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration in the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Three work samples, including one rough draft
  • One writing exercise.

Deadline: April 1
Apply Online

Howard and Constance Bennett Scholarship Fund

Howard and Constance Bennett Scholarship recipients who continue to prepare for a career in the medical field and are in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for their sophomore year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experience this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester indicating a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Howard Tribou Scholarship Fund

Howard Tribou Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to submit an application for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. For more information, please contact:

Howard Tribou Scholarship Fund
Guidance Office
Camden Hills Regional High School
25 Keelson Drive
Rockport, ME 04856
(207) 236-7800, ext. 357

Contact: Camden Hills Regional High School guidance office

Ira M. Cobe Scholarship Fund

Ira Cobe College Scholarship recipients under the age of 23 and in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available).

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

John S. and Marjoria R. Cunningham Scholarship Fund

John S. and Marjoria R. Cunningham Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Joseph & Dorothy Headley Scholarship Fund

Joseph and Dorothy Headley Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to complete an online renewal application for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: May 13
Apply Online

Joseph W. Mayo ALS Scholarship Fund

Recipients of the Joseph W. Mayo ALS Scholarship Fund in good academic standing are invited to apply for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.
Contact: Rebecca Wyke
Application Deadline: May 1
To Apply: Download application

Kingsley Brown Scholarship

Kingsley Brown Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year of graduate study.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: April 1
Apply Online

K William Wiseman Engineering Scholarship

K William Wiseman Engineering Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Laurence M. and Phyllis M. Drisko Scholarship Fund

Drisko Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To apply for renewal, please submit:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and shares your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Contact: Narraguagus High School guidance office
Renewals must be postmarked by April 1 and mailed to:

Drisko Scholarship Fund
Narraguagus High School
1611 Main St.
Harrington, ME 04643

Incomplete applications or those postmarked after this date will not be processed.

Lydia R. Laurendeau Scholarship Fund

Lydia R. Laurendeau Scholarship recipients in good academic standing, who are continuing their study of science or engineering at a four-year college, are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. The selection committee expects you to have achieved a strong academic standing in your studies.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that tells us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: June 1
Apply Online

M. Alton French Scholarship Fund

M. Alton French college scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants are not required to have an interview, however, if the committee deems an interview necessary, they will contact you directly. Interviews are the last Saturday in June.

In order to submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: June 1
Apply Online

Maine Antique Digest Scholarship Fund

Recipients of the Maine Antique Digest Scholarship Fund award in good academic standing are invited to apply for renewal consideration for their sophomore year of college.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Contact: Medomak Valley High School guidance office
Download Application

Margaret B. & Mary E. Franklin Scholarship Fund

Margaret B. & Mary E. Franklin Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To apply for renewal, please submit:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and shares your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Renewals must be postmarked by March 18 and mailed to:

Margaret B. & Mary E. Franklin Scholarship
Guidance Office
Ellsworth High School
299 State St.
Ellsworth, ME 04605

Marilla W. and Harold A. Lund Scholarship Fund

Marilla W. and Harold A. Lund Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain a minimum, cumulative GPA of 2.5.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

Marion F. and Peter Plouff Scholarship Fund

Marion F. and Peter Plouff Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • A copy of your financial aid offer (you may submit prior year letter if you have not received next year's yet).

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Marshall Stern Scholarship Fund

Marshall Stern Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year.
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Moodey Family Fund for Maine

Moodey Family Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or higher.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year and your goals for next year, particularly with regard to your pursuit of a career in education, health care, or social work
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Nickerson Family Scholarship Fund

Recipients of the Nickerson Family Scholarship Fund scholarship are invited to apply online for renewal.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extracurricular experiences this year and your goals for next year, particularly with regard to your pursuit of a career in engineering, mechanical engineering, or pulp and paper at the University of Maine or engineering at a nationally recognized university
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline:  May 1
Apply Online

Patriot Education Scholarship Fund

Patriot Education Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year. Renewal applicants must maintain a minimum, cumulative GPA of 3.0.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: June 1
Apply Online

Phyllis Dow Scholarship

Phyllis Dow Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: May 30
Apply Online

Point Harbor Scholarship Fund

Point Harbor Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to submit an application for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.
For more information, please contact:

Point Harbor Scholarship
Sumner Memorial High School
Guidance Office
2456 US Highway 1
Sullivan, ME 04664

Call: (207) 422-3510
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Rice Scholarship Fund

Rice Scholarship recipients in good academic standing in good academic standing are encouraged to complete an online renewal application for consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Ruth Gray Scholarship Fund

Ruth Gray Scholarship recipients in good academic standing (minimum 2.0 GPA) are invited to apply online for renewal consideration through their four years of college.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

If you received a scholarship for study in science or medicine, you must be continuing this course of study to be eligible for renewal.

Deadline:  May 1
Apply Online

Sam D. Weaver Scholarship Fund

Samuel D Weaver Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, in addition to the application below, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

You may mail these items to:
Kevin Conley
PO Box 97
Winter Harbor, ME 04693

Download Application

Sally Stetson Tongren Scholarship Fund for Aroostook County

Tongren-Aroostook County Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year. To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available). If you have not received a new one for next year yet, please submit your aid from this year.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

Sally Stetson Tongren Scholarship Fund for Washington County

Tongren–Washington County Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available). If you have not received a new one for next year yet, please submit your aid from this year.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

Spurling Scholarship Fund

Spurling Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

Stephen L. Ross Scholarship Fund

Stephen L. Ross Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to complete an online renewal application for their sophomore year only.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to provide the following support documents:

  • A personal statement to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available)
  • Two letters of recommendation.

Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Strater Downeast Scholarship Fund

Strater Downeast Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for the upcoming academic year.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • A copy of your financial aid award letter from your college (if available). If you have not received a new one for next year yet, please submit your aid from this year.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

Virginia and Robert Parsons Scholarship Fund

Virginia and Robert Parsons Scholarship recipients in good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA), who are continuing their education at a four-year college are invited to apply for renewal consideration through their four years of college.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A personal statement that summarizes your academic and extra-curricular experiences this year, and your goals for next year
  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester.

Deadline: May 1

Renewals must be postmarked by May 1 and mailed to:

Virginia and Robert Parsons Scholarship
Maine Community Foundation
245 Main St
Ellsworth, ME 04605

Wendell S. Doody Memorial Scholarship Fund

Wendell S Doody Memorial Scholarship recipients in good academic standing are invited to apply online for renewal consideration for their sophomore year only.  Use your personal story to tell us about your college experiences and your goals for next year. The committee is especially interested in hearing about any obstacles you are facing, how you hope to overcome them, and how the committee might be able to help you.

To submit your renewal application, you will need to upload the following support documents:

  • A transcript or grade report from your fall semester
  • The first page of your Student Aid Report from the FAFSA containing your EFC.

Deadline: May 15
Apply Online