Hancock County Scholarships

Adam Vickerson Scholarship Fund

Adam Vickerson was an avid fan of the Maine Black Bears hockey team and the Boston Red Sox. He loved history and collected stamps. His proudest accomplishment was achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in 1990, an especially challenging goal for Adam as he was afflicted with Cystic Fibrosis. This fund celebrates Adam's zest for life and his determination to always do his best. It supports graduating seniors at Deer Isle-Stonington High School who are pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: Deer Isle-Stonington High School guidance office

Alice Blum Yoakum Scholarship Fund

The Alice Blum Yoakum Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to provide scholarship support to undergraduate students at College of the Atlantic who plan to actively work for biodiversity and especially for the preservation of underwater species in various parts of the world.
Contact: College of the Atlantic financial aid office

Alita W. Reed Memorial Scholarship Fund

Alita’s love of the Winter Harbor community was a constant driving force in her life, and she supported many charitable endeavors there over the years. She loved the people and considered them her friends, confidants and neighbors. Toward the end of her life, Alita received quality around-the-clock home nursing care in the local area. In appreciation, and to help fulfill the need for skilled nursing professionals, Alita’s family and friends established this scholarship to support graduating seniors at and graduates of Sumner Memorial High School who are pursuing an education in nursing or other medical fields.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School

Allen C. & Leurene F. Hodgkins Scholarship Fund

The Allen C. & Leurene F. Hodgkins Scholarship Fund provides renewable scholarship support to pursue post-secondary education to residents of Lamoine who are graduating high school seniors or who have graduated from high school within five years of the date of application. Recipients will be chosen based on evidence of academic achievement and financial need.
Contact: Lamoine Town Office
To Apply: Download application

American Legion Rodney Stinson Post 102 Scholarship Fund

This fund is a result of the dances held at the Legion Dance Hall, as well as occasional raffles held by the Legion. Eventually the Dance Hall building was sold, as was the Post Home building, further increasing the fund. In 2019, the Legion transferred administration of the fund to Maine Community Foundation and Deer Isle-Stonington High School. Eligible applicants will be graduating seniors at Deer Isle-Stonington High School who are residents of Deer Isle or Stonington and are pursuing a post-secondary education, with a preference for the children and grandchildren of veterans. The award is to be split equally between two recipients, with a preference for one male and one female from the graduating class.
Contact: Deer Isle-Stonington High School guidance office

Arthur George Goodrich Scholarship Fund

MaineCF partners with Mount Desert Island High School to offer the Arthur George Goodrich Scholarship. This scholarship supports graduating seniors at MDI High School who are of good character and show promise of being able to profit from higher education. Recipients must be residents of Mt. Desert Island, Maine and in need of financial funds to obtain additional education. This scholarship is a non-renewable one-time scholarship.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Bessie T. Gray Scholarship for Veterinary Education

The Bessie T. Gray Scholarship for Veterinary Education at the University of Maine Augusta–Bangor Campus, provides scholarship assistance to students pursuing a degree in veterinary technology. There is a preference for students from Mount Desert Island, Hancock County, and the State of Maine, in that order. Past recipients must be in good academic standing to be considered for a renewal.
Contact: Veterinary Tech Program Coordinator, University of Maine. Augusta - Bangor campus

Blaisdell Schulz Scholarship Fund

The Blaisdell Schulz Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to graduates of Sumner Memorial High School who are residents of Franklin pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Bridgham Kane Scholarship Fund 

The Bridgham Kane Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who demonstrate good character and conduct. Preference will be given to students who are working to pay for some or all of their post-secondary education.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office 

Carolyn Hodgdon Dolliver Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Carolyn Hodgdon Dolliver Memorial Scholarship Fund supports residents of Southwest Harbor or Tremont who have successfully completed four years at Mt. Desert Island High School. Preference will be given to hard-working students pursuing post-secondary education in a trade or vocation.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Charlene & Wendell Ray Scholarship Fund

The Charlene and Wendell Ray Scholarship Fund was established to support graduating seniors of Sumner Memorial High School in Sullivan. If Sumner Memorial High School ceases to exist as a school entity, then this scholarship fund is intended to support graduating seniors from the communities previously serviced by Sumner Memorial High School. This scholarship may be renewed.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Clifford "Kip" Leach Scholarship Fund

This scholarship supports graduates of George Stevens Academy who are current residents of Brooksville or who had been residents at the time of their graduation. Preference shall be given to graduating seniors at George Stevens Academy in accordance with the terms of the trust established by Clifford Kip Leach. Scholarships will be awarded to students attending an accredited post-secondary educational institution and shall be based on need, academic achievement, and leadership potential.
Contact: George Stevens Academy

Clifton K. & Martha A. Hale Scholarship Fund

The Hale Scholarship Fund was established in 1986 to provide scholarship support to residents of Sorrento and Sullivan who are graduating seniors or recent graduates of Sumner Memorial High School and are enrolled in an accredited college, university, or community college.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Corey C. Nuss Scholarship Fund

Family and friends established the Corey C. Nuss Scholarship Fund in January 1998 in memory of Corey, a senior at Ellsworth High School who died in a tragic automobile accident. The fund will provide assistance to graduating seniors of Ellsworth High School who are pursuing degrees at accredited colleges or universities.
Contact: Ellsworth High School guidance office

Cranberry Isles Education Fund

The Cranberry Isles Education Fund was established in 2013 to support the personal or vocational goals of residents of the Cranberry Isles. In order to be considered a full-time resident of the Town of Cranberry Isles and be eligible for a scholarship, the applicant must meet two of the following three criteria: 1. be a registered voter in the Town of Cranberry Isles (for a minor this requirement would be met by having at least one parent registered as a voter in the Town of Cranberry Isles)
2. graduated from an elementary school located within the Town of Cranberry Isles within the last 12 years
3. physically reside within the Town of Cranberry Isles for at least two months of the current year (or most recent year) when not in school.
Contact: Daniel Field 

Cushman Scholarship Fund

The Cushman Scholarship Fund provides renewable scholarship assistance to Hancock County residents pursuing post-secondary education in the medical or Christian education fields.
Application Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

The D. Elwin and Evelyn Dyer Family Memorial Fund

The D. Elwin and Evelyn Dyer Family Memorial Fund was established to support residents of Brooksville who are pursuing a post-secondary vocational education.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Deborah Margaret Dyer Scholarship Fund

The Deborah Margaret Dyer Scholarship Fund was established in 2016 to provide scholarship support to graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are pursuing a post-secondary education in history. There is a preference for residents of Bar Harbor.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Deer Isle Yacht Club Scholarship Fund

The Deer Isle Yacht Club Scholarship Fund was established in 2020 to provide scholarship support to a graduating senior at Deer Isle-Stonington High School pursuing a post-secondary education.
Contact: Deer Island-Stonington High School guidance office

Dewey Wood Scholarship Fund 

The Dewey Wood Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Mike Wood, a teacher in the Deer Isle community. This scholarship provides support to graduating seniors or graduates of Deer Isle-Stonington High School seeking post-secondary educational experiences. Eligible applicants are committed to life-long learning and have a sense of diversity, equity and inclusion. This scholarship is supported by his community and family members and is administered by the Island Education Foundation.

Contact:Island Education Foundation

To apply: Download application

Dick and Lucky Dyer Scholarship Fund

The Dick and Lucky Dyer Scholarship Fund supports residents of Franklin pursuing post-secondary education, including vocational education.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Doris K. Harding Scholarship Fund

The Doris K. Harding Scholarship Fund provides support to graduating high school seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are pursuing studies in the health professions, with a strong preference for nursing.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Edith M. Daso and Llewellyn Barry Scholarship Fund 

MaineCF partners with Mount Desert Island High School to offer the Edith M Daso and Llewellyn Barry Scholarship which provides scholarship assistance to one or more worthy graduating seniors at MDI High School for post-secondary education.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office 

Edward Coles Memorial Scholarship

The Edward Coles Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Edward Coles who died in a carriage accident while summering in Bar Harbor. This fund supports a graduating senior at Mount Desert Island High School. The recipient will be chosen by schoolmates (without regard to scholarship or athletics) based upon the following criteria: the student who is the most honorable and upright, the cleanest living, most unselfish and considerate of others.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Ellen H. Emery Scholarship Fund

The Ellen H. Emery Scholarship Fund supports a graduating senior at Mount Desert Island High School pursuing post-secondary education at a Catholic college or university in the U.S. The recipient does not need to be a member of the Catholic faith. Eligible applicants are self-aware, hard-working students with clear goals who demonstrate financial need and the academic potential to succeed in college. Their extra-curricular and/or community activities should demonstrate their sincere empathy for others.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Emily Trussell Stupak Scholarship Fund

The Stupak Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors from high schools in Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Hancock Counties who are furthering their education at an accredited college or university and who have demonstrated a passionate dedication to, and talent, skill and a desire to excel in, a chosen athletic pursuit that the student plans to continue at the college level.
Application Deadline: May 1
Apply Online

Faye Austin Cosentino Scholarship Fund

Faye Austin Cosentino was a Brooksville native who pursued a career as a thoughtful and innovative nurse. She developed protocols for new mothers to avoid pulmonary embolisms and initiated a review of IV procedures with the Center for Disease Control that resulted in new standards. Faye and fellow committee members traveled throughout the U.S. and to China in the 1980s to present their findings. She was a published author of many technical papers and books in her area of specialty and was the first nurse to have a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Faye returned to Brooksville in 1990 to retire and subsequently researched and published nine books of historical interest to the town.

This fund in her memory supports residents of Brooksville pursuing post-secondary education who share a similar passion for innovation. There is a preference for students enrolled in a degree program preparing for a career in nursing or studies in history.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

First Generation Scholarship Fund

Established in 2011, the First Generation Scholarship Fund benefits residents of Brooksville, Maine who are pursuing a post-secondary education. There is a preference for students who are the first in their immediate families to pursue post-secondary education.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Friends of the Ellsworth Center Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarship assistance to adult learners registered at UMA Ellsworth Center.
Contact: The student services coordinator at the UMA Ellsworth Center

Garland Scholarship Fund

To provide awards to Deer Isle youth to participate in achievement programs. Preference given to youth with financial need. Selection Committee will be Island Education Foundation Board or their designee.
Contact: Island Education Foundation

George J. Schaefer Memorial Scholarship Fund

The George J. Schaefer Memorial Scholarship Fund provides post-secondary scholarship assistance to graduates of Sumner Memorial High School who show leadership as scholar athletes. There is a preference for graduating seniors as well as a preference for those applicants with a demonstrated commitment to the community.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Gretchen Behre Music Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of Gretchen Behre Breckwoldt in 1994, the fund provides renewable scholarship support to graduates of Mount Desert Island High School who seek to further their education in the field of music.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Harry F. Pinkham Scholarship Fund

The Harry F. Pinkham scholarship provides assistance to a graduating senior from Narraguagus High School and Sumner Memorial High School (who is a resident of Steuben) to enroll in a technical or trade program at a post-secondary college.
Contact: Narraguagus High School and Sumner Memorial High School guidance offices

Helen Small Class of 1943 Scholarship Fund

The Helen Small Class of 1943 scholarship provides assistance to graduating seniors at Ellsworth High School who have financial need, with a preference for those majoring in a trade or entrepreneurial program.
Contact: Ellsworth High School guidance office

Herb Watson Scholarship Fund

The many friends and students of Herb Watson, who served as gym teacher, coach, and athletic director at Mount Desert Elementary School from 1968-2001, established this fund in the spring of 2001. The fund supports participation in winter sports activities by Mount Desert Elementary School students and awards summer camp scholarships, particularly athletic camp scholarships, to deserving boys and girls residing in the Town of Mount Desert.
Contact: Mount Desert Elementary School

Herbert Wardle, Jr. Fund

The Herbert Wardle, Jr. Fund was established to support, in priority order, graduates of Mount Desert Island High School, residents of Mount Desert Island, residents of Hancock County, and residents of the State of Maine pursuing post-secondary education at the University of Maine in horticulture, landscape horticulture, botany, plant science and horticulture, landscape design, forestry, agriculture, or a related field. This fund is intended to benefit students at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture.
Contact: Office of University Development at University of Maine 

Hinckley Memorial Scholarship Fund

MaineCF partners with George Stevens Academy to offer the Hinckley Memorial Scholarship which supports graduating seniors who must demonstrate scholastic aptitude and achievement, financial need, academic achievement, and an attitude that suggests success in post-secondary studies. This award may be renewed at the discretion of the GSA scholarship committee.
Contact: George Stevens Academy guidance office

Isabel Grindel Condon Scholarship Fund

The Isabel Grindel Condon Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 to provide support to residents of Brooksville to pursue post-secondary education. Preference will be given to students preparing for careers in education, including adults returning to school to earn teaching degrees.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Iveney Scholarship Fund

The Iveney Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School seeking post-secondary or technical education. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents of the Town of Mount Desert.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Jack and Louise Saum Scholarship Fund

Neither Jack or Louise Saum were able to go to college because their families didn’t have the resources to send them, and their wages were needed at home. They always regretted this and made sure their own children had that opportunity. This award is made to honor their belief in the importance of education. This fund supports graduating seniors at Bucksport High School who are pursuing post-secondary education in a two- or four-year program within the University of Maine System.
Contact: Bucksport High School guidance office

Joyce H Higgins Scholarship Fund

MaineCF partners with Mount Desert Island High School to offer the Joyce H Higgins Scholarship to graduating seniors. This scholarship has a first preference for a student who intends to major in Drama; with a second preference for a student who intends to major in English. Each recipient shall be in good standing and show strong interest in their intended major. This scholarship is a non-renewable one-time scholarship.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Kozak Family Scholarship Fund

The Kozak Family Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are pursuing post-secondary STEM education and exemplifies hard work and integrity. There is a preference for students with financial need.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Kebo Foundation Scholarship Fund 

The Kebo Foundation Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are pursuing post-secondary education and shows marked talent in any one or more of the following fields: fine arts, creative writing, drama, or music.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office 

L. E. Menard Scholarship Fund

The L. E. Menard Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are pursuing post-secondary education in the Maine Community College System. There is a preference for students planning a career in a field that helps people. This might include, but is not limited to, healthcare, teaching, social work, and law enforcement.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Lee Patterson Scholarship Fund for Classical Voice Training

Lee Patterson (1938-2019) established this scholarship in 2001 for classical voice training (opera, operettas, and art song literature composed between 1600-1920). Recipients will agree to sing with the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Maine during the term of their scholarship. Minimum age to apply is 14. Preference will be given to residents of Hancock and Washington counties.
Contact: President, Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Hancock County president@gilbertsullivanmaine.org

Margaret B. & Mary E. Franklin Scholarship Fund

The Margaret B. and Mary E. Franklin Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to provide scholarship support to graduates of Ellsworth High School who seek a degree in education, preferably elementary education, from the University of Maine at Farmington. If there are no eligible students in any given year, the scholarship may be awarded to a graduating senior pursuing the required course of study at the University of Maine.
Contact: Ellsworth High School guidance office

Margaret Harriman Dyer Scholarship Fund

The Margaret Harriman Dyer Scholarship provides support to a Mount Desert Island High School graduate seeking to further their education in music. Preference shall be given to qualified students from Bar Harbor.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Marion Joy Morse Scholarship Fund

The Marion Joy Morse Scholarship provides scholarship assistance to individuals who are pursuing education in a medical field. The individuals must either have been born on Mount Desert Island or been a student at any school located on Mount Desert Island. This scholarship may be renewed at the discretion of the Advisory Committee.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office
Deadline: April 15
To Apply: Download application

Mark Woolman Horner Scholarship Fund

The Mark Woolman Horner Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to a graduating senior with a demonstrated interest in pursuing music. “Music” is to be broadly defined to include any area of music, including but not limited to: instrumental or vocal music, performance, or music education. Recipients will be nominated by the music department of Mount Desert Island High School.

To be considered for a scholarship from this fund, the graduating senior must:

1) exhibit talent, motivation, passion and aspiration to excel
2) plan to continue study of, and involvement in, music while in college, while not necessarily declaring a major in music.

Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office or music department

Maryann Snow Bates Scholarship Fund

The Maryann Snow Bates Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support to residents of Brooksville pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Michael McMillen Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Michael McMillen Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to Brooksville residents pursuing post-secondary education, with a preference for those entering careers in the caring professions such as medicine, social work, counseling, early childhood education, and eldercare. If there are no eligible applicants, awards may be made regardless of the field of study.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Morgaen Sarah Jones Scholarship Fund 

This scholarship was established in 2022 by the friends and family of Morgaen Jones, a 2012 Ellsworth High School graduate who passed away in 2022. After graduation, Morgaen graduated from Loyola University and Tulane University, where she earned a Master’s degree in epidemiology. Morgaen was a kind, loving, generous, intelligent and compassionate person who loved her family and friends deeply. She enjoyed bird hunting and hanging out with friends. She loved her young cousins and enjoyed spoiling them. This scholarship provides support to graduating seniors at Ellsworth High School who are pursuing post-secondary study in the health sciences, health or medicine.  
Contact:  Ellsworth High School guidance office 

Neal and Judy Rountree Family Scholarship Fund

The Neal and Judy Rountree Family Scholarship was endowed in 2023 for the benefit of staff and clients of H.O.M.E. Inc. in Orland, Maine, and its extraordinary work on behalf of people experiencing homelessness. The scholarship was established in memory of Neal Thomas Rountree, a 20-year Marine Corps veteran, environmental attorney, husband to Judy and loving father of their daughters, Mary Kathryn Rountree and Janey O’Brien Rountree, who have followed in their father’s footsteps in a lifetime of enhancing the lives of others. It is also given in recognition of the meaningful relationship of St. Francis by the Sea Episcopal Church in Blue Hill, Maine, to H.O.M.E. This scholarship is intended to support the post-secondary education of clients and/or staff of H.O.M.E. for further education and acquisition of skills for lifetime opportunities. It may be used for the education of technical skills or to assist those working toward college degrees. More than one scholarship may be awarded in a given year.
Contact: H.O.M.E.

Nickerson Family Scholarship Fund

The Nickerson Family Scholarship Fund was established to assist deserving students pursue their post-secondary education, with a preference given to residents of the Blue Hill Peninsula who are in the mechanical engineering program at the University of Maine,  in the pulp and paper program at the University of Maine, or in an engineering program at a nationally recognized educational institution.
Contact: George Stevens Academy guidance office

Nickerson & O'Day Construction and Engineering Scholarship Fund

The Nickerson & O’Day Construction and Engineering Scholarship was established in 2023 to support graduating seniors at Sumner Memorial High School in Sullivan who are going into construction, civil engineering, or other building-related fields. Preference will be given to students pursuing a four-year course of study at a Maine university or college. This scholarship was established by Nickerson & O’Day, Inc., of Brewer, the firm responsible for constructing the Charles M. Sumner Learning Campus.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Oscar and Agnes Keiser Memorial Scholarship Fund 

This fund supports students of Deer Isle-Stonington High School for educational or instructional needs. There is no application for this scholarship, it is distributed annually to the high school to support gifted and/or needy children in Deer Isle. Please contact the high school for more information.
Contact: Deer Isle-Stonington High School guidance office 

Oscar Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund honors the memory of Oscar Thurston who believed strongly in the value of education and its ability to give young men practical skills to support themselves. The Oscar Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund provides assistance to young men who are graduates of Mount Desert Island High School pursuing post-secondary vocational or technical education. Preference is given to residents of Tremont.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Percy D. and Jean Young Smith Health Care Scholarship Fund

The Percy D. and Jean Young Smith Health Care Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 to provide scholarship assistance to a graduating senior at Bucksport High School who is pursuing post-secondary education in the health care field, with a preference for nursing.
Contact: Bucksport High School guidance office

Phyllis Ames Cox Scholarship Fund

The Phyllis Ames Cox Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 to support residents of Brooksville pursuing post-secondary education with a preference for students preparing for careers in veterinary medicine or in international relations.
Contact: Brooksville Education Foundation

Point Harbor Scholarship Fund

The Point Harbor Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by Dr. Leslie and Mary Hotson who spent many summer holidays in Sorrento (originally known as Point Harbor). Dr. Hotson received a scholarship to attend Harvard College, an experience which helped him become one of the world’s best-known Shakespearean scholars. Remembering that lifelong advantage and in appreciation of their warm friendships in Maine, Dr. and Mrs. Hotson established the Point Harbor Scholarship Fund to support outstanding graduates of Sumner Memorial High School attending private liberal arts colleges/universities of national stature.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Prospect Harbor Woman's Club Scholarship Fund

The Prospect Harbor Woman's Club disbanded in 2007. Using their remaining assets, they established this fund to permanently endow the scholarship the club had offered in the past. The Prospect Harbor Woman's Club Scholarship Fund provides assistance to residents of Gouldsboro pursuing post-secondary education at a two- or four-year college or university.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Ralph and Edith Leland Scholarship Fund

The Ralph and Edith Leland Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who are residents of Trenton planning to attend a two-year community college or four-year college or university. Preference will be given to applicants with the greatest financial need who contribute to their school or community through their volunteer work or school leadership and who have demonstrated a diligent and industrious approach to school.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Robert F. Rich Scholarship Fund

The Robert F. Rich Scholarship Fund supports graduating seniors of Mount Desert Island High School who wish to pursue advancement in the maritime or shipbuilding trades. If there are no eligible applicants, the purpose may be broadened to include students attending technical programs at a post-secondary institution.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Ross Irwin Eckenroad Scholarship Fund

The Ross Irwin Eckenroad Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to graduates of Sumner Memorial High School. Established by the friends, family, and estate of Ross Eckenroad in 1993, this scholarship memorializes the energy and enthusiasm of a young man who was a 1986 graduate of Sumner Memorial High School.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Ruth O. Dority Fund

The Ruth O. Dority Fund provides scholarships to residents of Sedgwick pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: George Stevens Academy, Deer Isle-Stonington High School, or Blue Hill Harbor School guidance offices

Sam D. Weaver Scholarship Fund

Samuel Davis Weaver (1939-2013), a Connecticut native, loved Winter Harbor and Grindstone Neck. Whether as a young person on the tennis court and in the water or as an adult on Grindstone Neck Golf Course, he spent every summer of his life enjoying the beauty and opportunities of the area. He also liked helping the kids who worked on Grindstone by supporting them financially, with book money or college tuition, and always encouraged them to do their best. Established by his family in 2019, the Sam D. Weaver Scholarship will continue his tradition of helping others to find their dreams through education and training. Eligible applicants are graduating seniors at Sumner Memorial High School who have financial need and are residents of the towns of Winter Harbor or Gouldsboro, or have been employed by the Grindstone Association or the Winter Harbor Yacht Club or by the residents of Grindstone Neck in a seasonal capacity.
Contact: Maine Community Foundation
To Apply: Download application

Sargentville-Sedgwick Education Fund

The Sargentville-Sedgwick Education Scholarship was established by the Sargentville Thursday Club and has been making awards to local high school graduates for post-secondary studies since 1964. This endowed scholarship supports graduating senior high school students who are residents of either Sargentville or Sedgwick.
Contact:Carol Graves, 206-291-4827

Shayne Worcester Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2001 by the family and friends of Shayne Conley Worcester, a compassionate and gifted writer, filmmaker, poet, musician and athlete. The fund supports a graduating senior at Mount Desert Island High school pursuing post-secondary education who has demonstrated the most improvement in track and field and who has inspired others by his/her dedication and achievement.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Spurling Scholarship Fund

The Spurling Scholarship Fund was established in 1984 to provide renewable scholarship support to residents of the Cranberry Isles; Frenchboro, Long Island; Swans Island; and Mount Desert Island pursuing post-secondary education at a college, community college, or vocational training program. Preference will be given to applicants from unbridged islands with the greatest financial need.
Application Deadline: 
May 15
Apply Online 

Stanya Dorr Scholarship Fund

The Stanya Dorr Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to residents of Steuben who are graduating seniors at Sumner Memorial High School pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Sumner Memorial High School Scholarship Fund

The Sumner Memorial High School Scholarship Fund was founded in 1989 to provide scholarship support to graduating seniors and/or alumni of Sumner Memorial High School who are enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Swans Island Education Achievement Trust Fund

The Swans Island Education Achievement Trust Fund provides scholarship assistance to residents of Swans Island pursuing further education at a post-secondary institution. Awards will be based upon scholarship, achievement, service to the community, and financial need, and may be renewable for a maximum of four years based upon the continued performance and need of the student.
Contact: Swans Island town office
To Apply: Download application

Tamarack Ledge Scholarship Fund

The Tamarack Ledge Scholarship Fund was established in 2019 to provide scholarship support to graduating seniors at Mount Desert Island High School who have financial need and who have demonstrated a strong work ethic with the determination and persistence to succeed in their chosen field.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office

Theresa Grindel Tehan Scholarship Fund

The Theresa Grindel Tehan Scholarship Fund supports a graduating senior at Deer Isle-Stonington High School who demonstrates interest in and the ability to succeed in post-secondary education at a college or university.
Contact: Deer Isle-Stonington High School guidance office

Tylar Michaud Scholarship Fund

The Tylar Michaud Scholarship Fund was established by Tylar’s friends and family to provide scholarship assistance to a graduating senior at Sumner Memorial High School who is attending Maine Maritime Academy in any program OR is enrolled in an engineering degree program at any Maine college or university. Eligible applicants will have a GPA of 3.0 or above, be an avid outdoors person, and have involved themselves in community service.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Verona Island Women’s Club Scholarship

This fund supports residents of Verona Island who are pursuing post-secondary education.
Contact: Bucksport High School guidance office or Verona Island Women’s Club

Whitney Doughty Scholarship Fund

The Whitney Doughty Scholarship Fund was established by her family and community to provide scholarship assistance to, in priority order: a graduating senior cheerleader who is pursuing a college education in the medical field; or, if none, a senior cheerleader pursuing a college education in any field; or, if none, any graduating senior majoring in the medical field or to a previous recipient of the scholarship who is still in college.
Contact: Sumner Memorial High School guidance office

Women's Club of Northeast Harbor Scholarship Fund

The Women’s Club of Northeast Harbor Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support to a graduating senior from Mount Desert Island High School who is a resident of the Town of Mount Desert.
Contact: Mount Desert Island High School guidance office