Aroostook County Scholarships

Aimee Kathryn Fitzpatrick Community Service Scholarship Fund

Established in 2008, the Aimee Kathryn Fitzpatrick Community Service Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to a graduating senior at Houlton High School who demonstrates a history of sustained, meaningful community service, academic achievement and financial need.
Contact: Houlton High School guidance office

Ashland Alumni Scholarship Fund

The Maine Community Foundation partners with the Ashland Alumni Association to make this scholarship available to the graduating seniors at Ashland District School who are seeking full-time, post-secondary education at a university, college, or trade/vocational school. Selection criteria includes but is not limited to students’ academic standing per their transcript; involvement in extracurricular activities as a measure of a student’s well-roundedness; socialization and community service; students’ appraisal by others, indicating their strengths and weaknesses; financial need; career goals; and unusual circumstances.

Contact: Ashland District School guidance office

BCA Scholarship Fund

The BCA Scholarship Fund was established by graduates of the former Bridgewater Classical Academy. The Fund will support a graduating high school senior who is a direct descendant (children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.) of a Bridgewater Classical Academy alumnus, or who has been a resident of Bridgewater for at least two years.
Contact: Central Aroostook Jr.-Sr. High School guidance office

Belva and Harry Morris Scholarship-Limestone

The fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to residents of Limestone who are graduating seniors at Limestone Community School pursuing post-secondary education at a two- or four-year college or university.
Contact: Limestone Community School guidance office

Bobby Goding Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to graduating seniors at Ashland District School who embody the spirit of Bob Goding, a graduate who was killed in action in Vietnam, and was an outstanding athlete. Criteria for selection includes, but is not limited to strong school citizenship, athletic participation, financial need, and good but not necessarily excellent academic standing. Full time enrollment is required for payment of this scholarship.
Contact: Ashland District School

Caribou High School Scholarship Fund

The Maine Community Foundation partners with Eastern Aroostook Regional School Unit #39 to make a number of scholarships available to current and recent graduates of Caribou High School. Please contact Caribou High School guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Caribou High School guidance office

Donald and Linda G. Zillman and Families Professorship Fund

The Donald and Linda G. Zillman and Families Professorship Fund is to be distributed to University of Maine at Presque Isle to recognize and present a professorship to a tenured faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in their field.
Contact: University of Maine at Presque Isle, VP Administration & Finance

Edith A. Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Edith A. Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to provide scholarship support to graduates of Central Aroostook High School who are pursuing post-secondary education. There is a preference for recipients who have resided for at least the previous two years in the towns of Bridgewater, Blaine, or Mars Hill and are hardworking students with average grades.
Contact: Central Aroostook High School guidance office

Elsie G. Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Elsie G. Jones Memorial Scholarship Fund supports graduates of Ashland Community High School pursuing (in order of priority): a four-year degree in nursing; students pursuing a career as an RN or LPN; and students considering any medical-related field of study. If there are no eligible applicants fitting these eligibility criteria, the committee may consider anyone with significant financial need.
Contact: Ashland Community High School guidance office

Erin Elizabeth Sperrey Memorial Scholarship Fund

Erin Sperrey was a young woman who was just beginning to set goals for herself when her life was cruelly ended. She planned to return to college and study graphic design and architecture. Her legacy will live on in the scholarship that bears her name. The Erin Elizabeth Sperrey Memorial Scholarship supports graduating seniors at Aroostook County high schools who are pursuing a degree in early childhood education or the liberal arts. There is a preference for students who have successfully completed an alternative high school program. Academic excellence is not a prerequisite, but demonstrated personal growth and pursuit of a post-secondary education are.
Contact: Aroostook County high schools
To Apply: Download application

Fort Fairfield Educational Fund

The Maine Community Foundation partners with the Fort Fairfield Educational Fund to make a number of scholarships available to current and recent graduates of Fort Fairfield High School. Please contact the Fort Fairfield High School guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Fort Fairfield High School guidance office

Frank Keenan Scholarship Fund

The Frank Keenan Scholarship provides assistance to residents of Easton, Maine who are graduating seniors of Easton Jr./Sr. High School and are pursuing post-secondary education. Eligible candidates will demonstrate financial need and good school citizenship, be ranked in the upper third of their class and be very involved in school extracurricular activities.
Contact: Easton Junior-Senior High School guidance office

Fort Kent Community High School

The Maine Community Foundation partners with Maine School Administrative District #27 to make a number of scholarship funds available to graduating seniors. Please contact the guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Fort Kent Community High School

Henry G. White, Elizabeth R. White and Janet A. White Scholarship Fund

Mr. White, a member of the Houlton High School Class of 1929, established this scholarship through his bequest in loving memory of his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter, Janet. Elizabeth White taught home economics at Houlton High School for many years, and Janet White was a member of the Class of 1966. This fund provides support to deserving Houlton High School graduates for their post-secondary education and assists Houlton High School faculty in attending professional development programs.
Contact: Houlton High School Alumni Association or Houlton High School guidance office

Houlton High School Alumni Association Fund

The Maine Community Foundation partners with the Houlton High School Alumni Association to make a number of scholarship funds available to its graduating seniors. Please contact the guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Houlton High School Alumni Association or Houlton High School guidance office

J. Paul Levesque Family Fund for Ashland Community High School

The J. Paul Levesque Family Fund for Ashland Community High School provides scholarships for graduating seniors who do not have large amounts of other scholarship support.
Contact: Ashland Community High School

James F. McPartland Scholarship Fund

The James F. McPartland Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 through gifts from the family of Mr. McPartland, a member of the Houlton High School Class of 1943, in celebration of his 80th birthday. This fund celebrates Mr. McPartland’s generosity and appreciation for the value of a college education. Eligible applicants are graduating seniors at Houlton High School who are pursuing post-secondary studies at a two- or four-year college.
Contact: Houlton High School Alumni Association or Houlton High School guidance office

Jerome Peters Family Fund

The Jerome Peters Family Fund provides a scholarship in the memory of Michael K. Peters to a Maine resident who is a second, third or fourth year student at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts. Preference is given to residents of Aroostook County.
Contact: Bentley College office of financial aid

Joleen Fitzpatrick Raymond Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 1994 by friends and family of Joleen Fitzpatrick Raymond. Joleen had been a teacher, friend, and community and church leader in the towns of Houlton and Orono for many years – places she called “home.” Her fund provides scholarship support to graduating seniors at Houlton High School and/or Orono High School pursuing post-secondary studies in the field of education.
Contact: Houlton High School and Orono High School guidance offices

Laurel W. Thompson Scholarship Fund

The Laurel W. Thompson Scholarship Fund supports students from Washburn (including Crouseville), Wade and Perham.
Contact: Washburn District High School guidance office

Leland R. Dahlgren Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 1999 by the family and friends of Leland R. Dahlgren. The fund provides scholarship assistance to graduates of Washburn District High School (Aroostook County) and Yarmouth High School (Cumberland County) with a strong preference for students who plan to pursue a course of study in the building trades--including earthwork, HVAC, electrical, architecture, mechanical or structural engineering, carpentry, masonry, and plumbing--at a two- or four-year college or university.
Contact: Yarmouth and Washburn District high school guidance offices
To Apply: Download application

Limestone Community School

The Maine Community Foundation partners with the Limestone Community School to make a number of scholarship funds available to graduating seniors. Please contact the guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Limestone Community High School

Limestone High School Class of 1952 Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarship assistance to residents of Limestone who are graduating seniors at Limestone Community School to attend a post-secondary college or community college.
Contact: Limestone Community School guidance office

Major Priscilla C. Staples Scholarship Fund

The Major Priscilla C. Staples Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Fort Kent, New Canada, St. John, and Wallagrass. The students must be the children of military veterans, Boy Scouts, or Girl Scouts, with a preference for the children of military veterans and also Eagle Scouts. Eligible students will be those seeking bachelor, associate, or certificate degrees in one-, two-, and four-year programs.
Contact: Fort Kent Community High School
To Apply: Download application

Margaret and Bert Tidd Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Margaret and Bert Tidd Memorial Scholarship Fund was established through a bequest by Velma Bradstreet to support deserving students residing in Bridgewater who intend to pursue post-secondary education at a two- or four-year college or university.
Contact: Central Aroostook Junior-Senior High School guidance office

Marvin Bud Blumenstock Scholarship Fund

MaineCF partners with the Patten Lumbermen’s Museum to offer this scholarship award to a graduating student at Katahdin High School or Southern Aroostook High School who is pursuing study in the forest industry at college or a trade school.
Contact: Patten Lumbermen’s Museum

Matie Morrison Lockett Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established in 1995 to provide scholarship support to high school graduates of Sherman Mills for post-secondary college, vocational, or technical education.
Contact: Katahdin High School guidance office

MSAD 1 and Presque Isle High School Funds

The Maine Community Foundation partners with MSAD l to make a number of scholarship funds available to its graduating seniors and to support the charitable or educational purposes of MSAD 1 and its affiliated agencies. Please contact the guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Presque Isle High School guidance office

Maine School of Science and Mathematics

The Maine Community Foundation partners with the Maine School of Math and Science to make a number of scholarship funds available to its graduating seniors to support the charitable or educational purposes of MSSM and its affiliated agencies. Please contact the guidance office for information concerning these opportunities.
Contact: Maine School Science and Mathematics guidance office

Norman W Stevenson Class of ’54 Scholarship Fund

The Fort Fairfield Class of 1954 established this renewable scholarship in honor of its 50th reunion. Eligible applicants are graduating seniors of Fort Fairfield Middle High School who are pursuing post-secondary education, preferably at a four-year college or university. Selection will be made on the basis of financial need and attainment of a GPA of 85 (equivalent to a B average) throughout the applicant's high school career. Awards may be renewed for a maximum of three consecutive years based upon the continued satisfactory performance (C average- 2.0 or better) and upon the financial need of the student.
Contact: Fort Fairfield Middle High School guidance office
Download application

Phyllis Dow Scholarship Fund

The Phyllis Dow Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support to graduates of a high school within a 15-mile radius of Mapleton. Priority will be given to members of the Methodist Church in Mapleton who are attending an accredited four-year college or university.
Application Deadline: May 30
Apply Online

Reginald and Linda Edgecomb Family Memorial Scholarship

The Reginald and Linda Edgecomb Family Memorial Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance to a resident of Limestone who is a graduating senior pursuing post-secondary education at a college or university.
Contact: Limestone Community School guidance office

Richard and Bette Getchell Mann Scholarship Fund

The Richard and Bette Getchell Mann Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to residents of Limestone who are graduating seniors at Limestone Community School pursuing post-secondary education at a college or community college.
Contact: Limestone Community School guidance office.

Ronald L. Fournier Scholarship Fund

The Ronald L. Fournier Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to provide scholarship assistance to an Ashland Community High School graduate who wishes to continue their education in the business, commercial or technical fields at an accredited two- or four-year college/university.
Contact: Ashland Community High School guidance office

Ronald P. Guerrette FFA Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was created in the spring of 1998 by friends and family to honor the life and work of Ronald P. Guerrette of Caribou. The fund will provide one $1,000 scholarship per year. Eligible applicants are graduating seniors at Maine high schools who are FFA members and have a demonstrated interest and motivation to pursue a career in farming and agriculture/natural resources.
Contact: Local FFA advisors
Application Deadline: March 1
To Apply: Download application

Scott Giberson Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Scott Giberson Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2014 to provide scholarship support to graduating seniors at Fort Fairfield High School.
Contact: Fort Fairfield High School guidance office

Sally Stetson Tongren Scholarship Fund for Aroostook County

This scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors, current college students, and graduate students who have graduated from a high school in Aroostook County and are seeking post-secondary education. Eligible post-secondary education includes, but is not limited to, graduate education, undergraduate education, trade and technical education, and post-secondary remedial education.
Application Deadline: May 15
Apply Online

St. Mary's Parish Scholarship Fund

The St. Mary's Parish Scholarship Fund provides scholarship assistance to a graduating senior at Houlton High School pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited college or university who is a member of St. Mary's Parish of Houlton. One award will be given each year, and the current recipient may apply for renewal consideration for up to four years of his/her college career after which a new recipient will be selected.
Contact: Houlton High School guidance office

Thomas and Margaret G. Fitzpatrick Scholarship Fund

The J. Thomas and Margaret G. Fitzpatrick Scholarship Fund was established by the family to honor their parents’ commitment to the community of Houlton. Both were exemplary role models who generously shared their time and talents with generations of Houlton residents. This scholarship provides assistance to a graduating senior at Houlton High School pursuing post-secondary education in healthcare, with a preference for nursing, at a four-year college or university in Maine.
Contact: Houlton High School guidance office

VANB - MSAD 24 Everett & Elroy Belanger Scholarship Fund

The MSAD 24 Everett & Elroy Belanger Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarship support for graduating high school seniors from MSAD #24 who are enrolled in an accredited program at an in-state college. Preference will be given to those enrolling in either social work, education, or criminal justice.
Contact: Van Buren District Secondary School guidance office

Wendall and Barbara Shaw Scholarship Fund 

This newly established fund provides scholarship support to recent graduates of Fort Fairfield High School Please contact the Fort Fairfield High School guidance office for information concerning this opportunity.
Contact: Fort Fairfield High School guidance office 

Wendell S. Doody Memorial Scholarship Fund

Wendell S Doody was a 1957 graduate of Washburn District High School. Although he never had the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education, he was a self-taught tradesman with an inquisitive nature and a fierce work ethic. His love for working with his hands earned him a reputation for being able to build or fix anything. Without hesitation, he shared his time and talents to better the lives of those around him.

This scholarship supports the educational pursuits of graduating seniors at Washburn District High School or Presque Isle High School who wish to attend a technical school or community college in Maine, to pursue a vocation in the trades such as electrician, plumber, welder, carpenter etc. There is a preference for the secondary school to be located in Aroostook County.  We are looking for students who have demonstrated the capacity and will to succeed as evidenced by their transcripts and recommendations. This award is renewable for the second year of study only.
Deadline: May 15
Apply Online