Friends of Maine
Honoring Vision and Commitment
Friends of Maine recognizes donors who have made known their bequest or planned gift commitments.
These individuals and families inspire inspire others to also consider making planned gifts. Their foresight will impact Maine's social, civic, cultural and environmental well-being in the years to come.
All planned giving donors are invited to participate. For more information, contact Jennifer Richard, senior director of gift planning.
Friends of Maine Members
Anonymous (217)
Daniel* and Mary Teresa Ahern
Charles Alexander
Nancy M. Alexander
Don and Joan Allen*
Robert C. and Linda Sutherland Allen
Margaret Jane Altenberger*
Leslie Anderson and Dan Nygaard
Robert J. Anderson, Jr. and Richard A. Ames
Cushman and Pamela Andrews
Ada and Rodney Angotti
Brooke R. Astor*
Danuta M. and Peter C. Barnard*
Richard Barnes
Richard and Pat Barter
Cornelia Greaves Bates
David P. Becker*
Peter M. Beckerman
Mike and Nancy Beebe
Roy J. Belanger*
David Canby Bischoff*
John Bisignano*
Kristen and Wilmer Lee Bitner
Fran Bodell
David Body and Elizabeth Miller
Erno and Victoria Bonebakker
William R. Booth*
Donald and Eileen Bourassa
Jim Bowers
Bridge and Celeste Bridgford
Douglas Brown*
David W. Bulger
Don Burns
June F. Burrill Trust
Gena Canning
Ann Carman
Diana Casey
Rob Center and Kay Henry
Deborah Chapman
Mary Bridget Chase*
Brent R. Churchill*
Pamela Cleghorn
Camilla McKee Cochrane
Conley family
Warren Cook
Scott Cowger
Debra Coyman
Deborah Cressler and Susan Haggstrom
Hilda G. Crosby*
Barbara Csavinszky*
Agnes M. Cunningham*
Kenneth and Pauline Curtis
Lucy A. Dalzell*
Alice J. Davidson*
Jacqueline I. Davis*
Alan Day*
Edward L. Deci
Mara DeGeorge
Scott Dickerson and Janet Redfield
Peter Diffly*
Anna J. Doby*
Kay E. Dopp*
Ann Dorney and David Axelman
Martha Dumont
Norma H. Dutch*
Robert Dutton*
Sophie M. Dyer*
Cynthia J. and Stephen H. Eccher, MD
Elizabeth Elder
Paul Fackler
Peggy Fallon-St. Thomas and Bruce St. Thomas
Marya Faust
Lee Fay
Martha E. Ferguson*
Patricia and Stuart Field
Kathleen and Rob Flory
George Flynn*
Charles E. Foss
Pauline and Paul Fournier
Len and Terry Freeman
Cynthia B. and Mark R. Freese
Leslie R. and Benjamin A. G. Fuller
Deborah F. Chase and W. John Funk
Robert and Barbara Gilfillan*
Arlo Eugene Gilpatrick*
Wardner Gilroy*
William Ginn and June LaCombe
Jeff Gleason
Eleanor Goldberg
Dr. Marc and Susan Golden
Rick Gowen
Dorothy F. Greenlaw*
James Greenwell and Emily Magal
Andrew Greif
Carole Severance Hadlock
Dennis Haines
Phyllis Hamabe*
Brian and Gail Hamel
Marianne and Arthur Hamlin
Joanne L. Hammar*
Tom Hancock*
Judy L. and Rodney L. Hanscom
Charles P. Harriman
Lynn Harrison
Sherry C. Hawkes*
Betsy Friedman Hays and David Hays
Walter Hebold
Ruth H. Heffron and John F. Vernelson
Hal and Rachel Henderson
Esther M. Hendrickson
Merton G. Henry*
Janet Henry and Vernon Moore
Sonja Hicks
Horace A. Hildreth*
Elizabeth R. Hilpman
Brenda Holman
Brian and Mary Holmes
Nancy S. Horie
Jean P. Hough*
F. Nadine Hoyt*
Sherry Fisher Huber*
Thomas Charlton Hudson, II*
Charles Huntoon*
Gerald W. Huntoon and Patricia M. Huntoon
Bob and Allidah Iles
Bill and Keefer Irwin
Sue Jackman
Anne Jackson*
Carol and Gilbert Jaeger
Charles (Wick) and Ruth Johnson
David E. and Jo Lynne J. Johnson
Lee Johnson
Margaret Johnson*
Meredith Jones and Dana Murch
Patricia and Rendle A. Jones
Maxine W. Jordan*
David and Lynn Jourdan
Susan and Stephen Kaagan
Edward G. Kaelber*
Frazier Kellogg*
Gail Kennett*
Katharina and Ken Keoughan*
Felicity J. Kerr and David C. Reynolds
William H. Kieffer, III and James M. May
Barbara Klie
Gary Koocher
Barbara L. Krause
Jean LaBrecque
Ann True Ladd
Viola M. Lander*
Phillip B. Lape*
Sylvia and Walter Laukshtein, Jr.
James Robert Lausier
Clifford Leach*
Joseline Mary LeBlanc*
Mary Lefevre*
Ralph Leonard
Rosalind Lewis
Linda Littell
Lee Marville
Marie B. Lewis and Craig McAllister
Carl and Dorothy Lindblade
Kristen Lindquist and Paul Doiron
Robert B. List*
George F. Lyman* and Ernestine M. Lyman
Lydia W. Lyman*
Ellen Mahoney and Ed Daranyi
Bruce and Janet MacDonald
Judith Ann Marden
Courtney and Beverly Marshall
Stanley N. Marshall*
Kevin and Kate McCartney
Lawrence N. McCullough
Richard and Carolyn McGoldrick
Milton S. McKeen, Jr.
Rae and Thomas Chalmers McLaughlin
Cynthia McMullin
Edwin and Alison Meadows
Dorothy Meriwether and Betty Thomas
Louise Merriam and James Oberly
Edith H. Merrill*
Joan Meserve*
Pamela and William Michaud
Leonard* and Renee Minsky
Cynthia J. Mitchell
Katie Moody and Kenny Ernstoff
Thomas and Leslie Moore
Patricia Mordecai*
Marian Morgan
Belva O. Morris*
Susan V. Morris
Ann H. Morton*
Cynthia Muir*
Emily Muir*
William J. Murtagh*
Tom and Renee Newman
Lucy Nichols*
Susan D. Nickerson*
William U. Niss*
Elizabeth Nolan and Edward Kelleher
Lucy and John Nordahl
Fay-Tyler M. Norton*
Kathryn J. Olmstead
W. Kent Olson
James C. Otis
Stephen and Palmina Pace*
Sandra Paine
Andrea Paul
Nancy H. Payne*
Wendy and Dick Penley
Jean E. Perkins
Skip and Sandy Pierce
Janis M. Piper
Ellen Pope and Pat Welch
Elliott and Candace Potter
Robert Ramsdell*
Alison and Eric Rector
James Hill Reed and Susan Carol Wolford
Calvin and Marianne Reynolds
Jennifer and Neal Richard
Michele L. Richard and Dana W. Skiffington
Gary and Christine Richards
Rena V. Richardson*
O. William Robertson*
Cornelia and John M. Robinson*
Colonel Manley Rogers
Charles and Susan Roscoe
Irwin K. Rosenberg and Barbara F. Rosenberg
George and Cevia Rosol
Lisa and David Roy
Joyce Rumery
Mary R. Saltonstall
The Hon. and Mrs. Waldron T. Sawyer, Jr.
Diane Schetky
Barbara Schlichtman and Michael Steinberg
Henry L. P. Schmelzer and Cynthia Livingston
Pearl L. Sciaraffa
Curt and Nina Scribner
Ellen Seidman
George and Jean Seiler
Iris Tobin Selig*
Justin G. Sharaf*
Suzanne S. Shaw
Allen S. Sloan*
Linda S. Smiley
Donald Smith and Judith Allen Smith*
Wm. Douglas Smith
David P. Snow*
I. Frank Snow*
M. Bernadine Speers
Ken S. Spirer
Sharon Stanger
Karen Stanley
Major Priscilla C. Staples
Charles Steedman
Sandra S. and Norman W. Stevenson
Norinne and William Stoloski
Jeremy M. Strater*
Pamelia Strayer
David and Kathleen Stuchiner
Perry Sutherland
Clara L. Swan*
Ann and David Swanson
Cathy Sweetser and Jock Moore
Annee Tara
Brooke and E. Gilman Tenney
Les Thomas*
Marilyn P. and Arthur H. Thompson*
Jay and Diane Thompson
Chris Thornton*
Anna Marie and John E. Thron
Sally S. Tongren*
Stephen and Gloria Towle
Donald H. Trussell*
Carl D. Tubbesing
Elizabeth Y. Turner
Philip B. Turner*
Anne M. Urban*
Brian Valente, Sr.
The family of Deborah Jean Valente
Marilyn T. Van Saun*
Clifford Vaux
David Vinograd
Roderick and Lori Vogel
Margaret S. Voight*
Michelle E. and Wayne K. Walker
Frank H. Wallace
Lois M. Waning*
Gretta J. Wark
Hans and Lee Warner
Leander B. Wass*
Katharine J. Watson
Charlotte Weaver*
Esta Jane and Peter Weil*
Jane Elisabeth Weiss*
Jane C. Wellehan*
Ashley Wernher-Collins and Scott Collins
Sidney S. Whelan, Jr.
Johnston De Forest Whitman*
Philip and Vivian Willey*
Steve Williams and Lisa Reece
Robert B. Williamson, Jr.*
Robert L. Woodbury*
Ruth E. York*
John D. Zimmerman
Patty and Bill Zimmerman