MaineCF award available to MSAD #52 teachers

September 16, 2024


Full-time teachers at Greene, Leeds, Tripp and Turner schools may be eligible for the Patience W. Norman Prize for Teacher Excellence at the Maine Community Foundation (MaineCF).

The award recognizes Maine School Administrative District #52 teachers who stimulate intellectual curiosity, raise aspirations and demand critical thinking in their classrooms. Teachers must have a minimum of five years tenure at MSAD #52 schools.

Patience Norman was a history teacher with a fine, inquisitive mind who believed her students were capable of academic excellence. She required her students to work hard and challenged them to surpass hers, and their own expectations. The donors’ hope is to promote teacher retention by recognizing an educator who exemplifies excellence in teaching.

Nomination forms are available at They must be postmarked by Oct. 13.

Posted in MaineCF News.