Sagadahoc County Scholarships
Dr. John F. Cooke, Jr. Scholarship Fund
John and Janice Cooke established the Cooke Scholarship in 1970 to provide scholarship support to graduates of Morse High School in Bath.
Contact: Morse High School guidance office
Irving and Dorothy Stetson Scholarship Fund
The Irving and Dorothy Stetson Scholarship Fund was established in 2019 to provide scholarship assistance to graduating seniors at Brunswick High School, Morse High School, and Mt. Ararat High School.
Contact: Brunswick, Morse and Mt. Ararat High School guidance offices
Julie Dimperio Holowach Scholarship Fund
Richmond High School Alumni Association Scholarship
The Richmond High School Alumni Association has established its scholarship at the foundation to support graduating seniors at Richmond High School who are pursuing post-secondary education. Award decisions will be made by the committee based on an applicant’s academic, athletic, artistic and other abilities, as well as financial need.
Contact: Maine Community Foundation
Deadline: May 15
Apply Online
Trott Family Scholarship Fund
The Trott Family Scholarship Fund honors all the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Walter R Trott and Bertha L (Brown) Trott who attended Richmond schools, to provide scholarship assistance to graduates of Richmond High School who are pursuing post-secondary study in one of the STEM fields. Preference will be given to eligible applicants who are also: the class valedictorian, students studying computer science or systems engineering, or those attending UM in Orono or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.
Contact: Richmond High School guidance office