One year ago, the darkest tragedy in Maine’s history shook the foundation of our state’s tightknit community when 18 people were killed and dozens wounded by a gunman on Oct. 25, 2023, in Lewiston. MaineCF, along with countless nonprofit organizations, businesses, individuals and government agencies, rallied to support Lewiston and those impacted.
Donors to MaineCF’s Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Funds contributed $4.7 million to victims and families and $1.9 million to nonprofit organizations in Lewiston supporting the ongoing community recovery efforts.
The foundation is so grateful to the 5,241 donors from around the world who offered relief to those affected most.
As the state continues to heal from this tragedy, MaineCF remains steadfast in its role as a trusted partner able to address critical community needs as they arise. We are forever Lewiston Strong.