Downeast Institute received a grant from MaineCF’s Conservation for All grant program for to engage youth in outdoor activities that focus on sustaining natural resources and stewardship of land and water. Young scientists in grades 1-2 at Beals School raised clams for three months and presented their learnings to the school. Photo courtesy Downeast Institute
Funding will support land conservation, outdoor education and access
The Maine Community Foundation (MaineCF) has awarded $469,623 to 25 conservation initiatives around the state.
The foundation’s Maine Land Protection grant program awarded $127,199 to three nonprofit organizations and donors with advised funds at MaineCF awarded an additional $105,000 to three more organizations. In total, the grants will conserve nearly 2,300 acres.
2023 Maine Land Protection grantees include:
- Coastal Mountains Land Trust, to acquire 119 acres in Waldo
- Hearty Roots, to secure 100 acres in Bremen for mindful recreation
- Somerset Woods Trustees, to acquire 75 acres in Anson on the Carrabassett River for public access and protection of four endangered and threatened species.
MaineCF’s Conservation for All grant program awarded $186,034 to 13 nonprofit organizations that build strong connections between Maine people and its land and water. Donors with advised funds at MaineCF awarded and additional $51,390 to seven nonprofit organizations.
2023 Conservation for All grantees include:
- Downeast Institute, to engage youth in outdoor activities that focus on sustaining natural resources and stewardship of land and water
- Intercultural Community Center, to provide outdoor access to New Mainers through education and nature-based learning activities
- Maine Association for New Americans, to provide immigrant youth recreation opportunities through outdoor retreats.
The Fund for Maine Land Conservation grant program started in the early 1990s. In 2018, MaineCF closed the Fund for Maine Land Conservation grant program and in its place created two new land conservation grant programs: Conservation for All, which offers general support and Maine Land Protection, which offers support for land acquisitions and easements.
For more information, visit www.mainecf.org/mlp and www.mainecf.org/c4a.